

 Economical Goals





Integrity, Transparency and Accountability

At PTGM , we wholeheartedly embrace a commitment to transparency and accountability for sustainable operations. We believe that transparency is the cornerstone of building trust with our stakeholders, including employees, investors, partners, regulatory authorities, and the communities in which we operate. We strive to be open and honest in all our business practices, ensuring that our stakeholders have access to accurate and reliable information about our sustainability efforts.

To uphold transparency, we actively communicate our sustainability goals, strategies, and progress through various channels, including annual sustainability reports, public disclosures, and regular engagement with stakeholders. We disclose relevant environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics, showcasing our performance in areas such as water and energy conservation, community engagement, employee well-being, and responsible resource management.

Accountability is ingrained in our corporate culture. We set ambitious sustainability targets and hold ourselves accountable for achieving them. To ensure we meet our commitments, we implement robust monitoring and reporting systems, conducting regular internal audits and external verification of our sustainability initiatives. Furthermore, we actively seek feedback from our stakeholders and use it to drive continuous improvement. We welcome constructive criticism and engage in transparent dialogue to address concerns and adapt our practices accordingly.

In addition to being accountable to our stakeholders, we also recognize our responsibility to comply with applicable laws, regulations, and international standards related to sustainability such as Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act, and the European Union's Environmental Liability Directive. Labor laws and regulations: These laws and regulations govern employment practices, including minimum wage, working hours, workplace safety, and child labor. We continuously update our policies and practices to align with emerging best practices and evolving sustainability guidelines.

By prioritizing transparency and accountability for sustainable operations, PTGM aims to not only demonstrate its commitment to responsible business practices but also contribute positively to a more sustainable and equitable future for all stakeholders involved. We firmly believe that transparent and accountable operations are essential for building lasting partnerships, fostering trust, and driving meaningful change in the pursuit of a more sustainable and integrated world.


Innovation and Technology Development

As an EPC company in the mining industry, we are driven by a steadfast commitment to innovation and technology development. We recognize that continuous advancements in technology hold the key to unlocking new possibilities and driving sustainable growth. We actively invest in research and development, fostering a culture of innovation that encourages our employees to think creatively and push the boundaries of what is possible.

Through strategic partnerships and collaborations, we strive to leverage cutting-edge technologies and digital solutions to optimize mining processes, enhance safety, and minimize environmental impact. Our commitment to innovation extends beyond our own operations, as we actively engage with industry stakeholders to drive technological advancements that benefit the entire mining sector. By embracing innovation and technology development, we are dedicated to shaping a future that is not only more efficient and productive but also environmentally responsible and sustainable.

Automation is our main concern to comply with World environment standard development. Advanced processing technologies, innovative technologies and AI should help us to have a successful mining technology. 


Economic Contribution

At PTGM, we are dedicated to making a positive economic contribution to the local areas where we operate. We understand the importance of supporting local communities and fostering economic growth. Through our operations, we strive to generate local profit by maximizing opportunities for employment, creating jobs, and stimulating economic activity. We prioritize local procurement, actively seeking partnerships with local suppliers and businesses to ensure that the economic benefits of our projects extend beyond our organization. We recognize that our success is intertwined with the prosperity of the communities in which we operate, and we are committed to creating shared value through responsible and sustainable economic practices.

By sourcing goods and services locally, we aim to strengthen local supply chains, promote entrepreneurship, generate indirect employment opportunities, and support the growth of local businesses. This not only bolsters the local economy but also fosters a sense of community empowerment and self-sufficiency.

Through our economic contribution to local areas, we aim to promote long-term economic resilience, create sustainable livelihoods, and support the overall well-being of the communities we serve. We believe that by prioritizing local profit and local procurement, we can make a meaningful and lasting impact on the socio-economic fabric of the regions we operate.