Process Plant

Process Plant







The Process Plant is composed of various units working together to process materials while managing the waste products. These units include Crushing and Stockpiling, Reclaiming, Dry grinding, Dry Cobbing, primary and secondary Grinding, primary and secondary Magnetic Separation, Tertiary grinding, Magnetic flotation, final Magnetic Separation, Tailing dewatering and Water recovery. 

The process starts with crushing and stockpiling, followed by various stages of grinding and magnetic separation. After grinding, the materials are processed through a dry magnetic Cobbing system, where the concentrate is separated from the tailings. The concentrate then goes through primary and secondary grinding, as well as primary and secondary magnetic separation, to further refine the product. The resulting concentrate is then subjected to magnetic flotation cells, where it is further reduced and the silica content is separated. The tailings from each stage of the process are sent to tailing thickeners to remove excess water. The thickened tailings are then dewatered and transferred to a tailing stockpile.

Iron concentrate pumps from Yogi to Mullwa through a slurry pipeline. In the Mullewa, the dewatered and dry concentrate transfer by railway to the Port of Geraldton.

The extracted water is pumped through a pipeline to Yogi and used as recovered water in the process plant.

On the other side of the Plant, thickeners and tanks are placed for the purpose of water recovery, which is again distributed to different parts of the process line. The thickened tailings are dewatered and transferred to a tailing stockpile.