Yogi Village

Yogi Village










The Yogi Village project aims to provide a comprehensive solution for accommodating up to 900 personnel. This project encompasses various aspects, including labor, materials, equipment, furniture, and decorative accessories. The goal is to create a well-equipped village that meets the needs of the staff efficiently.

The scope of the project includes engineering, design, manufacturing, shop assembling, quality assurance, testing, documentation, identification, packing, and the supply of accommodation buildings and facilities. The Administrating Area serves as the central hub for accommodating our FIFO (Fly-In-Fly-Out) staff. It provides a welcoming space for them and serves as their temporary home during their time on-site.

In addition to the accommodation areas, the Yogi Village project also comprises Semi-Industrial facilities. These facilities are designed to cater to various activities such as engineering, safety, and mining. They are equipped to support the project's requirements and ensure a seamless operation.

When it comes to construction materials, sustainability and environmental friendliness are of utmost importance. All the materials used in the project are carefully selected to have a minimum impact on the environment. They are built to be durable, ensuring that the structures can withstand various loads, including dead and live loads, earthquakes, wind, snow, and more. The goal is to design the foundation and structural frames in such a way that they can stand for a minimum of 20 years.

The Yogi Village project aims to create a sustainable and functional community that meets the needs of its residents while minimizing its environmental footprint. With careful attention to detail and quality, we strive to deliver a comfortable and safe living environment for the personnel involved in the project.